Health Insurance Tips and Strategies for Long-Term Success

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These have not been normal times, and it seems we are going from panic to panic. Now that January of 2023 has arrived, it is time to take stock of what we have achieved and how to improve the upcoming year.


There are the usual resolutions of going to the gym and eating healthier. No doubt people care about their health, but are you doing enough?


There is a big change you can make in 2023 that will positively impact your health.




It’s getting affordable health care coverage.

I can hear what you’re saying: “Duh! I know that! I would have one if I could afford it!”


And then I would say: “But you can afford it. There is a way you could get free health coverage.”


Impressed? Interested now? Good, then let’s continue.


The Affordable Care Act offers several factors and discounts that help qualified individuals and their families get affordable health care. These discounts could reduce the monthly premiums by hundreds of dollars.




This is not a secret. It’s not a loophole. It’s just that it is not being advertised. Everyone can apply for them. The issue is that people don’t do it right. Don’t be one of them! You can get affordable healthcare or change to a better one!


Also, by getting health coverage, you get perks that you can use to help your resolutions.


Imagine what you can do for your health and budget!


Have that cough checked before it worsens, so less time on the bed!
Access to reward programs by your provider that encourage healthy eating and exercise!

You can read articles to improve healthy living!
More money at the end of the month to get that gym membership or that bicycle!

So how can you do this? As I said, this is no secret, but most people do it wrong and cannot get discounts. Luckily there are people trained to do this.


An example is a staff at Plans for Life near downtown El Paso. The staff has been helping residents for more than 25 years, so they keep up to date with all the changes in the law. They also offer their services for free.


Yeah, you can do this FOR FREE! So, there’s no risk for you!


You can call 915- 591-1957 or visit to schedule an appointment. Don’t delay, and start improving your health today!

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